Start Surfing Stage: 4 Hours (2 Sessions of 2 hours); 4 ore Surf Stage: 4 ore lezione (2 sessioni da 2 ore). For beginners and advanced. Per principianti e livelli avanzati. …Info
Mini Surfing Stage: 8 Hours (4 Sessions of 2 hours); 8 ore Surf Stage: 8 ore lezione (4 sessioni da 2 ore). For beginners and advanced. Per principianti e livelli avanzati. …Info
Mini Plus Surfing Stage: 10 Hours (5 Sessions of 2 hours); 10 ore Surf Stage: 10 ore lezione (5 sessioni da 2 ore). For beginners and advanced. Per principianti e livelli avanzati. …Info
Full Surfing Stage: 16 Hours (8 Sessions of 2 hours); 16 ore Surf Stage: 16 ore lezione (8 sessioni da 2 ore). For beginners and advanced. Per principianti e livelli avanzati. …Info
Mini Surfing & Yoga Stage: 8 Hours (4 Sessions of 2 hours) + 4 Hours Yoga lessons; 8 ore Surf Stage: 8 ore lezione (4 sessioni da 2 ore) + 4 lezioni di Yoga. For beginners and advanced. Per principianti e livelli avanzati. …info
Full Surfing & Yoga Stage: 12 Hours (6 Sessions of 2 hours) + 6 hours Yoga Lessons; 12 ore Surf Stage: 12 ore lezione (6 sessioni da 2 ore)+ 6 Lezioni di Yoga. For beginners and advanced level. Per principianti e livelli avanzati. …info
Italian Surfing Championship Offcial Event Venue Is Benas Surf Club
Campionato Italiano Assoluto - F.I.S.W. Capo Mannu Surf Games 2017/2018/2019/2023
Specialità: Shortboard, Longboard, Bodyboard e SUP Wave
Capo Mannu, San Vero Milis
Extra Functional Training lessons are given daily during weekly full immersion surf stages, to improve your surfing skills…More
Basic and advanced Yoga Lessons are given after and/or before surf lessons, during weekly full immersion surf stages …More
“The joy of surfing is so many things combined, from the physical exertion of it, to the challenge of it, to the mental side of the sport.” Kelly Slater